General Contract Conditions


It is understood by units and euros.
They will be those that appear in our current rate at the time of acceptance of the order. The sales prices may be modified without prior notice, being notified as soon as possible.

Orders for an amount less than 300 euros, including taxes, will not be supplied.

Responsible for the buyer.

Any order greater than 600 euros net will be sent postage paid to any national destination within the peninsula.
The shipping of orders requested by urgent transport, or by another agency other than the one provided by THE COMPANY. has contracted, they will be at the expense of the consignee.
For international markets, shipping to be agreed.

Orders will be served free of packaging, as long as the order conforms to the packaging indicated in the price. Otherwise, the corresponding packaging and handling will be charged.

The merchandise always travels at the buyer's expense and risk, even in the case of special agreements. PAYMENT

CASH.- Replenishment within 15 days 2% discount.
POSTPONED.- Maximum draft 60 days invoice date. At least two days of fixed expiration will be accepted. Any other type of postponement will imply a reduction in the discount in the rate for financing expenses.
Failure to pay, when due, any bill or receipt will lead to the immediate suspension of supply and service.

Material claims will not be accepted after 5 days of receipt of the merchandise by the buyer. Under no circumstances are we responsible for returns of material that does not appear in the catalogue, regardless of its condition.

No return will be accepted, after 15 days from its issuance, that has not been previously consulted and authorized by the sales department of THE COMPANY. In any case, they will only be accepted if they are sent SHIPPING PAID.

It is purely and simply limited to the replacement of parts recognized as materially defective by technical personnel of THE COMPANY, without any compensation.

All items manufactured by us are covered by civil liability insurance.

THE COMPANY reserves the right of ownership of the merchandise supplied until the buyer has fully paid the amount thereof, in which case it will be considered a deposit and custody. The merchandise may be withdrawn for non-payment within the previously stipulated period.

The fact of acceptance of our general conditions of sale implies, in the event of litigation, submission to the jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals of X, waiving its own jurisdiction.

This catalog rate cancels the previous ones. THE COMPANY reserves the right to modify the rate as many times as necessary, without obligation to notify its clients in advance.

THE COMPANY reserves the right to modify totally or partially any article that appears in this rate, without prior notice.

Política de gestión de Cookies

Utilizamos cookies propias para el correcto funcionamiento del sitio. Además, se utilizan otras de terceros que analizan cómo se usan nuestros servicios para mejorar la experiencia de usuario, divulgar ofertas comerciales personalizadas o realizar análisis de tus hábitos de navegación. Pulsa el botón para aceptarlas o “Elegir / Bloquear” para configurar y poder bloquearlas.

Puedes revisar toda la información y retirar tu consentimiento en cualquier momento desde nuestra Política de cookies.

Cookies policy Elegir / Bloquear

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Estas son principalmente estadísticas. Nos permiten contar la visitas de nuestra web, fuentes, medios, navegación... Así podemos optimizar mejor nuestro sitio web sabiendo qué páginas son más populares y cuales necesitamos mejorar. Toda la información que recaban estas cookies es anónima y puramente estadística. Si deseas bloquear estas cookies no sabremos si nuestra web es visitada.

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