Rod Maxia TC 10' #6


Rod Maxia TC 10' #6

Status: NEWIN STOCK Delivery in 24/48 hours
21.00% VAT included


Weight: 600 grams

Starting from the base of MX models, we apply theDOUBLE-HELIX technology in making ourMAXIA TC.If we have to define the rod with only one word, it will be POWER.

This series is the most suited to searching out large fish, whether that be in both fresh or saltwater. The special DLC guides used are virtually indestructible, this coating gives an anti-rust protection, but they also have a very low friction coefficient that allows the line to slide effortlessly.

All this makes the TC/HL the ideal rod for long casts and big fish!.

Model Length Line Sections Grip Action
TC905 9' #5 4 Full-Wells Fast
TC906 9' #6 4 Full-Wells Fast
TC907 9' #7 4 Full-Wells + FB Fast
TC908 9' ·#8 4 Full-Wells + FB Fast
TC909 9'' #9 4 Full-Wells + FB Fast
TC9010 9' #10 4 Full-Wells + FB Fast
TC9011 9' #11 4 Full-Wells + FB Fast
TC1006 10' #6 4 Full-Wells Fast
TC1007 10' #7 4 Full-Wells + FB Fast
TC1008 10' #8 4 Full-Wells + FB Fast
TC1036 10'3'' #6 4 Full-Wells + FB Fast
TC1037 10'3'' #7 4 Full-Wells + FB Fast
TC1067 10'6'' #7 4 Full-Wells + FB Fast


TC 9' #5 to 11 - Classic rod for all predator species, since black-bass tpo tarpon.

TC 10' #6 to 8 - Small and medium predators. Extra lenght for an easier cast.

TC  10'3'' #6 and 7 - Rod designed for lake trout fishing. #6 help us using quironomids or dry fly and #7 can to move easilly strimers.

TC 10'6'' #7 - Similar to 1007 but have an extra length.

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