Welcome to our repair center. To start the repair process for your rod or blank you must identify yourself with your username and password using the lock icon in the upper right menu. If you do not have an account, you must create one by registering in the corresponding icon in the upper right menu, completing all the requested information. After logging in, you must indicate the rod or blank model and broken section and complete the application process on the website. Once completed you will have to print a paper copy of the repair report and include it along with the complete rod (INCLUDING THE BROKEN SECTION) and send it to our reception point (CDL FLY SL, Camino de la Palanca 105 - 33392 Piñera (Gijón), Spain , Phone. 644827661). Select WIRE TRANSFER as the payment method, BUT DO NOT MAKE ANY PAYMENT until we tell you that your rod is repaired. The document that appears at the end of the application IS NOT AN INVOICE but a repair report.

If the shipment does not include the broken section, the order will be understood as an EXTRA SECTION and will be invoiced according to the corresponding rate.

ROD REPAIR is understood as the manufacturing of a section for an ORIGINAL MAXIA rod manufactured entirely by us. BLANK REPAIR corresponds to the manufacture of a blank section for a rod assembled by any agent external to our brand.

If you can not to find your rod model in the list, you can use the section OTHER REPARATIONS that you can to find at the general list end.



In order for shipping to be as economical as possible, we recommend that you make your shipment through a comparator such as GENEI or similar.

Any shipments that do not conform to our shipping protocol MAY HAVE EXTRA CHARGES.

Repairs sent without registration will have an additional procesing  cost of 6 Euros.

Once the repair is complete, we will contact you to provide you with payment information including shipping costs and others, if applicable.

Thank you very much for trusting us.

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