Caña SX HiperNymph 11'6'' #2-3


Caña SX HiperNymph 11'6'' #2-3

Caña SX HiperNymph 11'6'' #2-3
Caña SX HiperNymph 11'6'' #2-3
Caña SX HiperNymph 11'6'' #2-3
Caña SX HiperNymph 11'6'' #2-3
Status: NEWIN STOCK Delivery in 24/48 hours
21.00% VAT included

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How far can you extend the length of a light one-handed nymphing rod (Spanish nymphing or European nymphing) without losing functionality? With the Hyper Nymph series we have verified that SX technology allows us to build rods with five sections, so as not to make them difficult to transport, up to 12' in length, sensitive and light enough to eliminate the inevitable problems that come with a longer lever length. (increase in the moment of inertia, loss of precision, greater difficulty in controlling large fish...) are not greater than the advantage we obtain from better control of the nymph at long distances, thanks to the greater length of the rod .

We offer two models in this series that will not disappoint those looking to take their flies a little further than the rest without breaking the bank in the attempt.

The 11'6” #2-3 is a rod suitable for fishing in medium and large rivers, with enough power to fight trout up to 50cm, although it is not the most suitable tool if we intend to fish where the majority of the fish are. They go beyond that size. In practice, a sensitive rod that can be used in almost any river and that breaks the 11' barrier in length without being too noticeable.

The 12' #3-4 is the maximum length that seems reasonable to us in one-handed fly rods, from being a tool for sporadic use in very specific circumstances, such as our classic MX 12' #4 model, to being a fairly versatile rod, which allows you to use fine lines and not lose small fish despite the high rigidity that the lower section of such a long lever must inevitably have if we do not want to leave with too much of a disadvantage every time we hook a good specimen. It is not a rod for everyone, but it is a rod that can give more play than one might think to those who are not afraid to break the mold.

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