Color Code Red - 3 sections Black - 4 sections Blue - 5 sections
AML (Advanced Multilayer) (Advanced Multilayer) techniques and the use of multi-modulus fibres, allow our MAXIA MX rods to have a highly compressed, concentric structure which gives the rods exceptional power and sensitivity.
The special features of these techniques are particularly suited to the manufacture of light weight rods. They are hand polished, one by one, using joinery techniques. We are seeking the maximum performance for each rod.
The fine layer of varnish and the titanium alloy guides maintain the reaction of the rod by not adding any additional weight at critical points. This feature and our special balance technique, give our rods a feeling of lightness which is difficult to match. You must try them to fully realise their quality.
Model | Length | Line | Sections | Grip | Action |
MX4763 | 7'6'' | #3 | 4 | Half-Wells Short | Fast |
MX4864 | 8'6'' | #4 | 4 | Half-Wells | Fast |
MX4902 | 9' | #2 | 4 | Half-Wells | Fast |
MX4903 | 9' | ·#3 | 4 | Half-Wells | Fast |
MX4904 | 9'' | #4 | 4 | Half-Wells | Fast |
MX4943 | 9'4'' | #3 | 4 | Half-Wells | Fast |
MX3961 | 9'6'' | #1 | 3 | Half-Wells | Medium-Fast |
MX4961 | 9'6'' | #1 | 4 | Half-Wells | Medium-Fast |
MX3962 | 9'6'' | #2 | 3 | Half-Wells | Medium-Fast |
MX4962 | 9'6'' | #2 | 4 | Half-Wells | Medium-Fast |
MX3963 | 9'6'' | #3 | 3 | Half-Wells | Medium-Fast |
MX4963 | 9'6'' | #3 | 4 | Half-Wells | Medium-Fast |
MX4964 | 9'6'' | #4 | 4 | Half-Wells | Medium-Fast |
MX5965 | 9'6'' | #5-6 | 5 | Half-Wells | Medium-Fast |
MX41002 | 10' | #2 | 4 | Half-Wells | Medium-Fast |
MX31003 | 10' | #3 | 3 | Half-Wells | Medium-Fast |
MX41005 | 10' | #5 | 4 | Half-Wells | Medium-Fast |
MX41020 | 10'2'' | #0 | 4 | Half-Wells | Medium-Fast |
MX41053 | 10'5'' | #3 | 4 | Half-Wells | Medium-Fast |
MX41102 | 11' | #2 | 4 | Half-Wells | Medium-Fast |
MX51204 | 12' | #4 | 5 | Half-Wells + Talon | Madium-Fast |
MX4793- Rod for dry fly in small rivers. Very fast action adapted to techniques like "Italian Style" or similars
MX4864 - A classic model for dry fly lovers.
MX4902 , 3 and 4 - Paradigmatics rods for dry fly. Fast action generate closed loops and delicated landings.
MX4943 - An extra lenght dry fly rod that help to make longer drifts.
MX3961 , 2 and 3 - 3 sections rod for tandem fishing.
MX4961 , 2 , 3 and 4 - Simialr rods to MX3 but a few fasters. Thiis make rods more adecuated to dry fly fishing.
MX5965 - All terrain travel rod . Usable in multiples techniques and species.
MX41002 - Our top sale. Perhaps the better all terrain rod you can to find for nymph phising.
MX31003 - Versatil rod. For nymph or dry fly in big rivers.
MX41005 - Classic rod for heavy nymph fishing.
MX41102 - Classic nymph fishing rod. Extra lenght for a better drift control.
MX41204 - Very specific rod. For fishinf with very few line.
Color Code Red - 3 sections Black - 4 sections Blue - 5 sections
AML (Advanced Multilayer) (Advanced Multilayer) techniques and the use of multi-modulus fibres, allow our MAXIA MX rods to have a highly compressed, concentric structure which gives the rods exceptional power and sensitivity.
The special features of these techniques are particularly suited to the manufacture of light weight rods. They are hand polished, one by one, using joinery techniques. We are seeking the maximum performance for each rod.
The fine layer of varnish and the titanium alloy guides maintain the reaction of the rod by not adding any additional weight at critical points. This feature and our special balance technique, give our rods a feeling of lightness which is difficult to match. You must try them to fully realise their quality.
Model | Length | Line | Sections | Grip | Action |
MX4763 | 7'6'' | #3 | 4 | Half-Wells Short | Fast |
MX4864 | 8'6'' | #4 | 4 | Half-Wells | Fast |
MX4902 | 9' | #2 | 4 | Half-Wells | Fast |
MX4903 | 9' | ·#3 | 4 | Half-Wells | Fast |
MX4904 | 9'' | #4 | 4 | Half-Wells | Fast |
MX4943 | 9'4'' | #3 | 4 | Half-Wells | Fast |
MX3961 | 9'6'' | #1 | 3 | Half-Wells | Medium-Fast |
MX4961 | 9'6'' | #1 | 4 | Half-Wells | Medium-Fast |
MX3962 | 9'6'' | #2 | 3 | Half-Wells | Medium-Fast |
MX4962 | 9'6'' | #2 | 4 | Half-Wells | Medium-Fast |
MX3963 | 9'6'' | #3 | 3 | Half-Wells | Medium-Fast |
MX4963 | 9'6'' | #3 | 4 | Half-Wells | Medium-Fast |
MX4964 | 9'6'' | #4 | 4 | Half-Wells | Medium-Fast |
MX5965 | 9'6'' | #5-6 | 5 | Half-Wells | Medium-Fast |
MX41002 | 10' | #2 | 4 | Half-Wells | Medium-Fast |
MX31003 | 10' | #3 | 3 | Half-Wells | Medium-Fast |
MX41005 | 10' | #5 | 4 | Half-Wells | Medium-Fast |
MX41020 | 10'2'' | #0 | 4 | Half-Wells | Medium-Fast |
MX41053 | 10'5'' | #3 | 4 | Half-Wells | Medium-Fast |
MX41102 | 11' | #2 | 4 | Half-Wells | Medium-Fast |
MX51204 | 12' | #4 | 5 | Half-Wells + Talon | Madium-Fast |
MX4793- Rod for dry fly in small rivers. Very fast action adapted to techniques like "Italian Style" or similars
MX4864 - A classic model for dry fly lovers.
MX4902 , 3 and 4 - Paradigmatics rods for dry fly. Fast action generate closed loops and delicated landings.
MX4943 - An extra lenght dry fly rod that help to make longer drifts.
MX3961 , 2 and 3 - 3 sections rod for tandem fishing.
MX4961 , 2 , 3 and 4 - Simialr rods to MX3 but a few fasters. Thiis make rods more adecuated to dry fly fishing.
MX5965 - All terrain travel rod . Usable in multiples techniques and species.
MX41002 - Our top sale. Perhaps the better all terrain rod you can to find for nymph phising.
MX31003 - Versatil rod. For nymph or dry fly in big rivers.
MX41005 - Classic rod for heavy nymph fishing.
MX41102 - Classic nymph fishing rod. Extra lenght for a better drift control.
MX41204 - Very specific rod. For fishinf with very few line.
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